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Snake by Kurt Cyrus
Pirate Pat’s Fancy Hat by Eric Ode
Words with Wings by Nikki Grimes
Sand Castle by J. Patrick Lewis
Song of the Boat by Kate Coombs
A Possum in the House by Charles Ghigna
Egret in Flight by Jane Yolen
Godzilla Pooped on My Honda by Adam Rex
Anatomy Class by Betsy Franco
Introducing a New ME by Kalli Dakos
Shirley the Shark by David L. Harrison
Cocoon by Betsy Rosenthal
Book Plate by Laura Purdie Salas
Untitled by Lee Wardlaw
I’m Sorry that My Poem’s Late by Ted Scheu
GongGong and Susie by Janet Wong
Seasonal Haiku by Bob Raczka
A Plague of Penguins by Julie Larios
Crow by Joyce Sidman
Salt of the Earth by Marilyn Singer
Scrambled by Bruce Lansky
Pout by Sara Holbrook
When Mom Plays Just for Me by April Halprin Wayland
Zzzzz by Kenn Nesbitt
My Dog by Charles Waters
A Wild Turkey Comments on His Portait by Deborah Ruddell
Halloween Disguises by X.J. Kennedy
I Sailed on Half a Ship by Jack Prelutsky
Hardware Store by Michael Salinger
Trapped by Dave Crawley
Halloween Mask by Sonya Sones
Joe Shmif by Kurt Cyrus
The Hermit Crab by Eric Ode
Pumpkin by Nikki Grimes
What to Wear Where by J. Patrick Lewis
Sand’s Story by Kate Coombs
The Haunted House by Charles Ghigna
Emily’s Dog: Emily Speaks by Jane Yolen
Folloween by Adam Rex
Bee Poem by Betsy Franco
The Wind Is Calling Me Away by Kalli Dakos
The Perfect Diet by David L. Harrison
My House’s Night Song by Betsy Rosenthal
This Is the Book by Laura Purdie Salas
Maximillian’s Mouth by Ted Scheu
Gargoyle by Julie Larios
Porcupette by Joyce Sidman
A Stick Is an Excellent Thing by Marilyn Singer
My Violin by Bruce Lansky
Mussel by Steven Withrow
Ice Cream Soup by April Halprin Wayland
Everyone’s From Somewhere Else by Kenn Nesbitt
Muhammad Ali – Rumble in the Jungle by Charles Waters
Aquarium by X. J. Kennedy
Biography of a Beaver by Deborah Ruddell
The Turkey Shot Out of the Oven by Jack Prelutsky
Two Wheels that Go Around by Michael Salinger
Thank Goodness for Thanksgiving by Dave Crawley
The Boys in the Bushes by Sonya Sones
Wong’s Cafe by Janet Wong
I Wasn’t Me Tonight by Matt Goodfellow
I’m Thankful for Turkey by Kenn Nesbitt
Family Photo by Ralph Fletcher
Angler by Kurt Cyrus
The Pirate’s Birthday Party by Eric Ode
Learning the Rules by Nikki Grimes
Toothy Crocodile by J. Patrick Lewis
Brother by Mary Ann Hoberman
Weatherbee’s Diner by Calef Brown
Let’s Hop Around Like Kangaroos by Allan Wolf
What’d You Learn at School Today? by Paul Orshoski
Mom Deserves a Medal by Steven Layne
High Dive by B.J. Lee
The House on Wisdom Hill by David Davis
Conjoined by Jane Yolen
Shaggy Dog by Stephanie Calmenson
The Grass Isn’t Always Greener by Betsy Rosenthal
Cat Hockey by Lee Wardlaw
Testing, Testing, Testing by Ted Scheu
Hidden by Winter by Ann Wagner
Confession by Bruce Lansky
Saw My Teacher On a Saturday by Dave Crawley
Dinnertime by Mary Ann Hoberman
Rascal’s Tongue by Betsy Franco
Wild Romance by Charles Ghigna
Countdown to Recess by Kalli Dakos
An Edgar Allan Poem by Adam Rex
Afterschool Snack by Neal Levin
Ants by Barry Louis Polisar
Night Sledding by Steven Withrow
New Baby by Ralph Fletcher
Combo Tango by Calef Brown
Into the Mud by Joyce Sidman
Send the Baby! by Marilyn Singer
Mermaid by Julia Larios
Blush by Laura Purdie Salas
A Sad Tale, or Hey, Who Stole My Seat? by Allan Wolf
Dixxer’s Excellent Elixir by Jack Prelutsky
Valentine by X.J. Kennedy
The Cardinal by Deborah Ruddell
Winterku by April Halprin Wayland
Visiting an Old Friend by Charles Waters
The Score is Tied, My Knees are Weak by Paul Orshoski
The Popcorn Hop by Stephanie Calmenson
When I Swing by Matt Goodfellow
Today I Got a Valentine by Kenn Nesbitt
Mr. Fix-It by Steven Layne
Ambassadors by David L. Harrison
What if Books Had Different Names? by J. Patrick Lewis
Hello and Good-by by Mary Ann Hoberman
Blue Whale by Kate Coombs
Vultures by Barry Louis Polisar
One Giant Hug by Betsy Rosenthal
The Octopus by Eric Ode
My Snowman by Neal Levin
Wanda Gripp by Kurt Cyrus
The Well-Worn Path by Dave Crawley
One Hundred Sparklers by Betsy Franco
Chickens by Charles Ghigna
Snowflake Soufflé by X. J. Kennedy
Vacation Communication by Carol-Ann Hoyte
My Dog Chewed Up My Homework by Bruce Lansky
Yellow Elephant by Julie Larios
A Vulture’s Guide to Good Manners by Deborah Ruddell
Cursive Curse by Ted Scheu
Fairy Airline by X. J. Kennedy
Rachel Carson by Ann Whitford Paul
Painting on Toast by Calef Brown
Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich by Adam Rex
Pizza Party by Stephanie Calmenson
In the Hood by Marilyn Singer
Where Does the Road Go? by David Davis
I Got Carried Away by Joyce Sidman
If I Were a Gear by Michael Salinger
Your Navel is a Mystery by Allan Wolf
Shhhhh… by Alan Katz
Joy in Mudville by Bob Raczka
When the Butcher Was Delivered by Jack Prelutsky
Turtleneck by Laura Purdie Salas
As I Was Sprinting Home Today by Paul Orshoski
Bigfoot by Douglas Florian
Seagulls by Kate Coombs
Emperor Penguins by Barry Louis Polisar
Swimming Lessons by Neal Levin
Wallet Size by Nikki Grimes
Wilma Rudolph by Ann Whitford Paul
running water by Ralph Fletcher
Appy Birthday by April Halprin Wayland
Hungry by Michael Salinger
Puzzled by Stephanie Calmenson
Spring Will Be Pretty by Dave Crawley
Bleachers by Bob Raczka
Ten Cent Haiku by Calef Brown
May Fly by Mary Ann Hoberman
A Brief Romance by David L. Harrison
Running Back by Jacqueline Jules
Skydiver by Charles Ghigna
Talk by Allan Wolf
Twickham Tweer by Jack Prelutsky
Mud Football by Betsy Franco
Mithing Tooth by Kenn Nesbitt
Stay Tuned by Alan Katz
Look at What This Kid Can Do by Laura Purdie Salas
The Creature From the Black Lagoon Doesn’t Wait an Hour Before Swimming and Gets a Bad Stomach Cramp by Adam Rex
Driftwood Hut by Renée LaTulippe
Bully of the Tide by Steve Swinburne
Dream Train by B.J. Lee
Danny Dooley by J. Patrick Lewis
Time by Mary Ann Hoberman
Golda Mabovitch by Ann Whitford Paul
Room Doom by Douglas Florian
Letter from Camp by Neal Levin
Sea Snake by Kurt Cyrus
At the Library by Nikki Grimes
Worms by Calef Brown
Octopus Ink by Kate Coombs
Why? Huh? Why? by Alan Katz
The Woodpecker by Deborah Ruddell
What Makes a Turbine Turn by Steven Withrow
Dad, Are We There Yet? by Paul Orshoski