by Kurt Cyrus
The angler flaps her fleshy flap.
A shrimp comes in. The jaws go snap!
The angler doesn’t have a clue
Why shrimp come in. They simply do.
And so she eats them. Wouldn’t you?
Copyright © 2005 Kurt Cyrus. From Hotel Deep: Light Verse from Dark Water. Harcourt Children’s Books. Reprinted by permission of the author.
Kurt Cyrus has written and/or illustrated numerous picture books, including Tadpole Rex, Hotel Deep, Oddhopper Opera, and Your Skeleton is Showing. He has also illustrated books written by Eve Bunting, Lisa Wheeler and M. T. Anderson. When not writing, he enjoys tending his tree farm. He lives with his family in McMinnville, Oregon, one block off of Sesame Street.
Hotel Deep is one of my top 5 picture book poetry collections of all time. I always recommend it when I do teacher inservices. The meters and mood are fabulous! Thanks, Kenn and Kurt, for this lovely start to my day:>)