At the Library

by Nikki Grimes

It's Raining Laughter by Nikki GrimesI flip the pages of a book and slip inside
where crystal seas await and pirates hide.
I find a paradise where birds can talk,
where children fly and trees prefer to walk.
Sometimes I end up on a city street.
I recognize the brown-skin girl I meet.
She’s skinny, but she’s strong, and brave, and wise.
I smile because I see me in her eyes.





Copyright © 1997 Nikki GrimesFrom the book It’s Raining Laughter. Dial Books for Young Readers. Reprinted by permission of the author.

About The Author

Children's Author Nikki GrimesNew York Times bestselling author Nikki Grimes is the recipient of the 2006 NCTE Award for Excellence in Poetry for Children. Her distinguished works include ALA Notable book What is Goodbye?, Coretta Scott King Award winner Bronx Masquerade, the novels Jazmin’s Notebook, Dark Sons, and The Road to Paris (Coretta Scott King Author Honor Books). Creator of the popular Meet Danitra Brown, Ms. Grimes lives in Corona, California.

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173 responses to “At the Library”

  1. Laura Purdie Salas says:

    I love those crystal seas and flying children! Perfect poem given all the diversity conversation lately, too!

  2. Janet F. says:

    Terrific poem by a favorite poet! I love how Nikki recognizes the wisdom kids have. So much inside and so often it doesn’t come out soon enough.

  3. Abigail says:

    Love it!

  4. mallory hatfield says:


  5. Sarah Sallly says:


  6. Sarah Sallly says:

    WOW! Its pretty good! (UVU)

  7. Alexa Hidalgo :) says:

    I Really Like This This Poem is like A World of “Wise Freedom” Like That is Sooo Cool! :3

  8. madison says:

    that poem is soooo me when i read!!!!!

  9. Rebecca says:

    Good peom it tell alot

  10. ALLYSON BROWN says:


  11. stella says:

    wow i,ts awesome

  12. Skyler says:

    What is the theme of this poem and what does it means when they say I smile because I see me in her eyes

  13. D’MAURI HARRIS says:

    Nice poem

  14. Axel says:

    I hate poems but this one is good

  15. unicorn says:

    I like poems because they can be turned into songs.

  16. Norah says:

    Wow ‘this is amazing!

  17. Leah H. says:

    I love this poem!!!

  18. Shelly says:

    I really like this poem

  19. lovebug says:

    i think the poem was okay.

  20. Trent Tipton says:

    love bug I agree

  21. jacob says:


  22. ashly says:

    I like this book.

  23. Maleigh says:

    I really like the poem because it is creative

  24. Alliepop says:

    This was a great poem, loved the creativity.

  25. lydia says:

    i relly liked it

  26. peyton says:

    this is amazing

  27. bob says:

    it was bad

  28. bullfrog says:

    your poem is awesome love it

  29. jeffery says:

    i liked it

  30. Mia says:

    Love this!

  31. June says:

    This is a good story!

  32. Aubrey says:

    I’ve deffinetly seen better but they were really long and we had to memorise them in order to recite them on Fridays in assembally so that had a lot to do with it. For a nice short and simple poem it’s really good!

  33. EmmaLynn Grace Corley says:

    Great poem i could really understand the narrater’s feelings about reading books.

  34. Hansika says:

    I like it as well, because Nikki shows Nikki’s feelings about how much she likes to read books.

  35. says:

    I LOVE IT!

  36. Devin from espark says:

    I didnt really get it thus i didnt like it

  37. Devin from espark says:


  38. An anonymous individual says:

    I really like it! It is incredibly diverse and well written.

  39. An anonymous individual says:

    I really like it! It is incredibly diverse and well written. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  40. Amelia Patterson says:

    It is definitely a good poem to teach kids how FUN reading CAN be!!!

  41. victorios says:

    it was good person named “me”go to heck

  42. dememtrius says:

    this is good

  43. Alex says:

    Really great poem. I enjoyed reading it.

  44. joseph says:

    it was ok

  45. PUPPIES!!!!! says:


  46. Lily says:

    Ruby Bridges? She’s awesome!

  47. Love the poem BIG TIME!!!!!!

  48. Cheyenne says:

    It was so interesting

  49. vincent says:

    it was fine

  50. Kira says:

    I love this! It really brings out detail and makes you think of what beauty our world has and also emphasizes how much wisdom kids can have.

  51. Ariza says:

    It was ok you know.

  52. RYDER Todd says:

    I love it! it’s so cool!

  53. Alex says:

    its so good

  54. emmy3 says:

    This poem was GREAT!!!

  55. Jillybean says:

    IT WAS A-MAZE-ING!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. Carter M. says:

    I’ve never rely been into poetry but this is ok i guess.

  57. clifton says:

    i liked the poem

  58. EmmaLynn Grace Corley says:

    I love the poem

  59. Ella says:

    This poem was one of the best poems I have ever read and I LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  60. vivcat says:

    awesome! LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!

  61. i like it but, i mean whaaaat??????????

  62. i like it but, i mean whaaaat??????????

  63. GamerAce says:

    This was awesome! It was just enough to get me started too!! :)

  64. Emma says:

    I loved the poem, really good and meaning full.

  65. Bryce says:

    This is soooooooooo gooooooooooood

  66. It was such a good poem JK gottee

  67. DaBaby says:

    Very good poem best ever should turn it into a rap

  68. shuch says:

    didn’t even read it just waiting for the time to be up so I can move on to someting else but sure great story?

  69. Charli K says:

    I like them because they have ritham

  70. Landon says:


  71. Landon says:

    that is so cool

  72. (^=˃ᆺ˂) says:

    I really understand the way the author feel about reading! Such a good poem.

  73. Hello, This poem doesn’t remind me of… Well, Me on the outside, i am a young girl who looks hispanic, but the peom speaks to me, i talks even though it doesn’t it reminds me of kindness and respect, please remember to do both. Look at the link below,

    Sophia Simpson

  74. Skylar says:

    This poem reminds me of when you could just walk into the library like it’s an open world of curiosity and exploration to fill your mind with creativity and imagination.

  75. quincie says:

    i love it

  76. ayden says:

    ha ha lol nice poem

  77. sanic says:

    i really like this

  78. kallie says:

    this story was ok but it was very short

  79. Daisee says:

    I do not get it at all

  80. fall time says:

    hi i am a kid at burns school I love your pome i think its graet

  81. hu6h455 says:

    I kinda relate to this poem. I think it is awesome!

  82. Belen Zavala says:

    I like the poem too.

  83. jaden says:

    too short but good!

  84. Lyla says:

    This is a wonderful poem! I love it a lot! I hope I can find MORE poems made by her!

  85. Nolan says:

    amazing poem

  86. melody says:

    If i could rate this book it would be a five star, it also inspired me a little bit too.

  87. melody says:

    This book is AWSOME thx auther for writing it.

  88. melody says:

    This peom just reminded me that life is every where and anything can happen so i must use my life wisely.

  89. Lilly says:

    I love this poem!

  90. Sailor Mars says:

    I like the poem because,it’s very descriptive!

  91. Olivia Michelle says:

    I LOVE the peom, it really spoke to me like a song does.( im a musician)

  92. PUPPIES says:

    I did not like this poem it was… well… weird in a way I just think there is so much better things to read!!

  93. horse girl says:

    This is amazing! I love all of the detail put onto the book!

  94. zoey torrez says:

    This poem is pretty awesome!!

  95. tripomania says:

    This is the best

  96. wheat thin says:

    nice peom

  97. icovid19 says:

    great poem!

  98. Person says:

    I wish I could fly.

  99. it was a cool poem actuly

  100. Jimmy says:

    This is not easy or fun

  101. freedom cozart says:

    i dont understand but its a good poem

  102. Isabella says:

    this is so weird- literally

  103. Erny says:

    Very good poem highly recommended!

  104. TigerLily says:

    This is such a good poem lots of feelings and emotions

  105. just me says:

    love it but it just needs more.
    but very good!!!

  106. Halle says:

    this is an amazing story!! I love it!!!!

  107. Sheridan says:

    Yes this is such a good poem. I wish I could fly like those kids, their lucky!

  108. brayden says:

    really good

  109. Elie says:

    It was good and short :/

  110. bob says:

    I like how the auther was vary detaled!!!!

  111. moe says:

    soooooo good:)

  112. LYDIANA CONTNER says:

    so amazing

  113. Elie says:

    nice peom i wish it was not that short.

  114. p.diidy says:

    Helllo im the most pro here your not skibidi rizzler skibidi sigma

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